The majority of our clients are small to medium-sized businesses. Many are restaurants or rely on a storefront where people have to come in to purchase things.

With the coronavirus, many of them have shuttered or switched to pickup/takeout only. This is devastating to our clients and many other businesses around the country and world like them.

The loss of revenue has forced many to layoff employees or reduce their hours at the very least.

We feel for you and know just how hard this moment in history is. We are also feeling it - because almost all of our clients are suffering through it.

We are open, though. While we’re not at the office, we’re still cooking up awesome websites together.

With everyone being forced to stay home, it’s obvious why your website is now extra important to your business. The internet is our only means of connection with the outside world and you’ll want those people to find what they’re looking for.

In the last 2 weeks, we’ve been flooded with requests for ways to make client websites better suited for a virtual-only world. There’s always ways to make a website better, but there’s 2 that have stood out the most to our clients:

Notification Messages

Either a popup or notification bar message that update visitors to their websites immediately. We decided to offer this for free to anyone, not just our clients. Go here if you’re interested in a coronavirus update message. Here's a little bit more about how we make website notifications.

These are easy to add to any website and allow you to place it so it doesn’t impact the design of the rest of the site. They either site on top of everything if they’re a popup or at the top of the website pushing the content down.

Researching stuff?

We make some damn good websites.

Hit Us Up

They’re a little intrusive, but that’s the point. You want your website visitors to see them

Takeout / Pickup Ecommerce

Our storefront and restaurant clients want an easier, cheaper alternative to the current food order apps.

Those apps charge ridiculous fees if you didn’t know.

The solution we’ve put together is not for delivery - the apps are still better for this. Ours lets a person choose their items, where/when they want to pick it up, and pay for everything all in one place - your website.

If you’re interested in this, let us know. It’s decently custom so it would take some time to add to your website.