As the owner of a web design company, of course I think you should put a healthy amount of priority on maintaining your website and digital presence. Having an up-to-date website is essential for any company to make a good impression on potential customers.

As a busy business owner, you may not know how often you should redesign your website, and can be tricky to figure out. If you wait too long, your website might start looking dated and unprofessional–or worse, it could start holding your business back.

It's important to understand when is the right time to invest in a website redesign so that you never fall behind the times. This article will go over how often you should redesign your website and why it’s important not to let it get stale or outdated. It’s time to make sure that your website represents both your brand and its values!

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How often should you redesign a website?

How often you redesign your website depends on your specific needs and goals. Generally speaking, I recommend that website redesigns occur every 3-5 years in order to stay up-to-date with changes in web technology, and take advantage of the latest trends.

Our clients average 3-5 years but we have seen it range from 2-6 years (and sometimes more). The clients who go shorter periods of time usually need new features or goals have changed. While clients who go longer, generally just need a refresh.

If you’re looking to have your website redesigned, it pays to consider all of your options. You could go with an agency (like us), a freelancer, or opt for a DIY solution like Squarespace or Wix. Each of these options has its own benefits—agencies will offer reliability and trustworthiness, freelancers can often provide affordable solutions but may require more direction from the client, and DIY solutions can be easily updated by anyone with basic knowledge of their platform. Ultimately, the best option for website redesign will vary from project to project and involves weighing the pros and cons of each before making a decision.

You can check out our article about what to expect when you work with a web design company. Also, check why we suggest working with someone local.

Why redesign a website?

  1. You want more leads or traffic to your website. Redesigning a website can be great for many reasons. Not only does it give the website a fresh look and feel, but it also allows for an updated content structure to be implemented. This improved content structure often helps search engine optimization, which can lead to more traffic and leads. A redesign can also improve the user experience, which can help conversions! The most successful websites are both user-friendly and optimized for SEO and a website redesign accounts for this.
  2. Your website doesn’t look good on mobile devices. Having a website that is designed for mobile devices has become increasingly important. If your website does not look good on mobile devices, you run the risk of alienating potential customers and Google. Google uses the mobile version of your website when deciding where to rank your website, so yours needs to work flawlessly.
  3. Your website is broken. A redesign can help address technical issues like broken buttons, slow-loading pages, broken images, difficulty to edit, and any other technical issues.
  4. The design is outdated. Users can spot an outdated website a mile away. Modern design isn’t just something pretty - it’s tried and tested. There’s a reason things are designed a certain way and your website should follow that.
  5. It’s too hard for users to use and navigate. Having a website that is difficult to navigate can have a detrimental effect on the success of a business; users may become frustrated with trying to find what they are looking for, unable to understand instructions, or consequently unable to complete their desired action.
  6. It loads slowly. It’s essential to have a website that loads quickly. A slow website can be extremely frustrating for customers and can cause them to leave the site without completing buying or contacting you.
  7. You want to be able to edit it easily. Having a website that is easily editable is beneficial for many reasons. It provides flexibility, allowing you to make quick changes and updates as necessary. This can be essential in the case of changing business news, seasonal offers, or new product launches. In addition, regularly updating your website with fresh content can help SEO and add something new for visitors to look at.