The Google Duo Application

If you want to communicate with someone, then video calling can give you that close to the person experience although most of the time this can be complicated. If the other party is using the same type of device like yours, worrying yourself if your call will go through should not happen. It’s not surprising that majority of the population do not use their mobiles to make a video call. Goggle Duo is a new video calling Application that has been introduced into the market by Goggle. This is a simple one to one video calling app that is available for both IOS and Android. This app makes video calling an easy experience and allows you to connect with your friends no matter where you are.
Google Duo apply to both IOS and Android
You only require a phone number; using the Duo app is effortless from when you begin to when you conclude. Instead of asking you to log in to online accounts, this app uses actual phone numbers. It is among the few services from Google that do not need you to log into an account. To begin using this app, you will only require your phone number from which you will be able to access your contact people from the phone book. Signing up is very easy and fast since no separate account is needed. You will then require one tap to immediately start video calling. When a video gets broken up or a call disconnects, it can be frustrating. This app is very fast and reliable and made in a way to quickly connect video calls and work efficiently regardless of the network’s strength.
As the network changes, the quality of the call regulates to ensure you remain connected and when there is limited bandwidth, the Duo app easily lowers the resolution to ensure continuity of the call. Duo automatically changes between cellular data and Wi-Fi for video calls on the go without disconnecting the call. You can begin video calling while still at home and continue even when you step out of the door.
A design that is relatable
The Duo app is designed in a way that is sincere and welcoming and is dedicated to you and the other party you are communicated with. The app has a feature known as Knock-knock to ensure the call does not feel like a disruption but rather like an invitation. This feature allows you to see your caller’s live video even before answering so that you have an idea of their current activity and the reason they might want to talk to you.
The Knock-knock feature
According to Google, the Duo app has been enhanced to function even when connections are not good and that all the video calls are encrypted end to end. The Knock-knock feature allows you to see the caller’s live video before you answer the call. This gives you a picture of what the caller is doing currently and their reason for calling. When you receive a call from Skype for example, you will not be able to tell the number of people on the other side or the mood of the caller.
The knock-knock feature ensures that video calls are spontaneous and inviting which helps you bond with the caller even when you have not yet picked the call.
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Hit Us UpAdditions to the app include calendar integration or group calling. It is easy to start a chat since the screen displays a live video of the caller and a small circle containing your own live video and the main menu comprises only of the contacts recently called.
The Goggle Duo is finally here so start video calling your friends and enjoy the experience!